How to Raise Responsible Kids - Part 3
Welcome back to the third article in our series on How to Raise Responsible Kids. You can read part 1, where we defined what...

How to Raise Responsible Kids - Part 2
Welcome back to the second article in our series on How to Raise Responsible Kids. You can read part 1, where we defined what...

How to Raise Responsible Kids
My guess is that if we did a poll of every parent we know and asked them what they most want for their kids, what we would find at the...

Avoid these 10 Common Estate Planning Mistakes
As a Personal Family Lawyer®, I see many of the same estate planning mistakes made time and again by people who either fail to plan...

And the Estate Planning Oscar Goes To... Lessons on Film About Family
The film “Black Heirlooms” has not received any Oscar nominations. It was made by 32-year-old Amanda Brown, whose grandmother’s long-term...

Why You Should Get Estate Planning Off Your To-Do List in 2015
There are many goals most of us want to accomplish in life, especially in a new year, and some of the most important ones center on...

How to Create a Lifetime of Care for a Special Needs Child
Parents of children with special needs usually share one overriding concern: what will happen to my child after I’m gone? They also...

The Final Log-Off: What Happens to Your Data When You Die?
Take a moment and consider how much of your life you live online. If you are like most of us, you bank, pay bills, make purchases,...

The 4 Key Life Skills Your Children Need to Have Before They Inherit
Inherited wealth need not be “an albatross around the neck of the children” as Sting so succinctly put it recently when asked if he was...

7 Good Reasons You Need an Estate Plan...Even If You Only Have $500 in the Bank.
Contrary to popular belief, estate planning is not just about money or taxes. Far from it. Today, it’s more about protecting your assets...