More Than Just Your Money: Leaving a Real Legacy – Who You Are & What’s Important to You
How We Guide You to Leave a Legacy That’s About Much More Than Just Your Money
After you are gone, your loved ones will miss you deeply. They will long for your words of counsel and concern. Hearing your voice again would be a tremendous gift.
Through our unique legacy process, you can give your loved ones the most precious gift – a lasting expression of your love. What could be more valuable?
At The Law Office of Jane E. DePalma we believe estate planning is not just about transferring your financial assets and personal belongings. It’s also about capturing and transferring your valuable intangible gifts: who you are and what’s important to you – your values, insights, stories and experience.
Several years ago, a friend's dad died. He had left her a voicemail message on her cell phone and for years after he died, she would listen to it when she missed him. Until the very bad day when it was accidently deleted.
She still wishes she had that voicemail message. Or even better, that she had a recording of her dad telling her what he loved about her, what his hopes for her were, what life lessons were most important to him, what values he most wanted for his family, or even just saying her nickname that he had always called her.
When I was first in practice, I would tell my clients to record a message for their loved ones and put it in a safe place or simply write notes to their children letting them know how they felt about them. But so few people ever actually did it. We just get so caught up with the day to day of our lives that focusing in on leaving a legacy seems to take a back seat.
So we realized we’d have to build this into our planning process and not make it just another thing you’ll get done someday. That’s why at The Law Office of Jane E. DePalma we make it part of our planning for every client to help you capture and pass on more than just your money: your intellectual, spiritual and human assets, who you are and what’s important to you.
For more information about how we help you pass on your most valuable assets – your values, insights, stories and experience – to your loved ones, or about our resources for leaving your family with a true legacy, please contact us.
Can you picture someone who’s passed away, someone you love and miss deeply? Can you recall a conversation you had with them? Can you remember the sound of their voice and what they told you?
What if you could hear their voice again? What if they could speak to you—heart to heart—and share their wisdom and advice? What would it be worth to you to hear their words one more time?
What is it worth to you to know that they’ll always know exactly how much you love them? It’s worth a lot to us and we are honored to be able to provide you and your family with this gift.